Wicken Fen survey. Please give your views on Wicken Fen – see News for details.
AGM 2024. Saturday 23rd November 2024 at 2.30 to 4.30pm at St James Church, Wulfstan Way, Cambridge CB1 8QJ. See News for more details.
Footpath claims in Wimpole. We have submitted a claim for two well-used paths in the Wimpole/Orwell area – see News for details.
Loss of woodland footpath in Lode. See News.
Volunteers required. We need volunteers to help with local footpath issues e.g. recovering lost footpaths (DLYW project), checking new/old footpaths affected by building developments, footpath clearance. Please contact
paulcutmore@cambridgeramblers.org if you have a few hours available.
Cambridge Castle Mound. Cambridge Ramblers’ application for the footpath to the top of Cambridge Castle Mound to be recognised as a Public Right of Way has now been officially confirmed. See News for further information.
Victory for Cambridgeshire Ramblers as five level crossings are saved. See News for more information and the press release.
FAQs For Frequently Asked Questions, including how to report a problem with a footpath, and how to join the Ramblers’ Association click FAQ.
Cambridge Group is part of the national Ramblers’ Association and our walks are typically in Cambridgeshire and neighbouring counties. We normally walk on most Saturdays and many Mondays – see our current Walking Programme.

Additionally, other important activities undertaken by our Group include:
- inspecting and monitoring the network of public paths in South Cambs. District and Cambridge City, reporting problems to the County Council as we find them, or as we receive reports from other walkers. (See FAQ for how to report a problem.)
- responding to suggestions for changes to the paths network, usually in the form of proposals from landowners, scrutinising Public Path Orders and objecting to them if our Committee feels they are not in the best interest of the public, and defending our case at Public Inquiries, if necessary.
- inspecting Planning Applications to make sure that developments are not detrimental to the path network. These include numerous single proposals for buildings, wind-farms, reservoirs etc., plus all the major developments that are planned or underway in our area.
- suggesting improvements to the rights of way network.
- providing input to strategic Local Plans from a walker’s perspective.
- helping local councils with footpath clearance on a voluntary basis.
Aims of The Ramblers’ Association
The RA has the following broad aims, which form the basis of its operations and actions:
- To promote walking.
- To protect, open up and develop the definitive path network in England and Wales, and path networks in Scotland.
- To secure, promote and protect responsible freedom to roam on all open country in England and Wales, and on all land in the countryside in Scotland.
- To protect the outdoor environment and maintain its long-term health and sustainability.
- To increase and extend its membership such that the RA can engage with, and represent, all sectors of society.

One Coast For All – Campaign for the English Coastal Path
Our coastal campaign (previously known as “Coast for Most” and “Claim the Coast”) has a new name and logo – “One Coast For All – Campaign for the English Coastal Path”. As part of the red tape challenge, the Government announced proposals that could dampen the dream of a route around England’s coast. We have launched a petition to call on the Government to fulfil its duty to create a proper coastal path (with sea views and “spreading room” in case of erosion) sooner rather than later. We are hoping to get 10,000 people to sign it, if you have not already, please sign the petition now. Click on the link below:
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